The tutorial, however, needs some more steps to be followed, otherwise you get a non working instance of Bonita.
OK, so what I wanted to achieve was: Having the Bonita execution Engine and Bonita User Experience running on the platform of WebSphere. These are the steps that might help you to accomplish the goal:
- Follow he steps of the tutorial mentioned up on the page
- There might be some problems in the course of actions
- xcmis.war file application is missing in the bundle.
- the .war files are the same for all application servers
- so you can download a different Bonita bundle (like Bonita-Tomcat) and get it from there. You can find it in "BUNDLE_DIR/webapps/xcmis.war". You will use this file to install the xcmis application in WebSphere console.
- !! xcmis.war is not the only file you need to import from the tomcat/jboss bundle. You also need to copy the xcmis conf directory (to be found in "BUNDLE_DIR/external/xcmis". You need to copy this folder to <Websphere_HOME>/external/xcmis on your server.
- After starting bonita.war and xcmis.war applications you will try to access your Bonita User Experience (typically somewhere on localhost:9080/bonita/). This might fail with "Error occured while applying the theme". You might skip this this message with clicking on Use default theme.
- Then, another error appeared. "BonitaInternalException: Bonita Error: bai_APII_2"
- This may have two reasons:
- the WAS_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable is missing
- to check that go on command line and write 'set | grep WAS_INSTALL_ROOT"
- if an empty line is returned, the variable is missing
- to fix this:
- make a file in /etc/profile.d/ (as root)
- put these lines into the file:
- WAS_INSTALL_ROOT=<path_to_your_install_root>
- there is a wrong \ sign in the tutorial
- You can avoid this error if you got to WebSphere -> Servers -> Enterprise Application Server -> server1 -> Java and processes -> Process definitions -> Java Virtual Machine and edit the JVM arguments field the following way:
- change the beginning of the line from "-DBONITA_HOME=${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}\bonita" to "-DBONITA_HOME=${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/bonita" (backslash to slash change)
- Restart the server
- Reload Bonita User Experience.
- You may get "Unable to login. Check your username and password" after entering default (admin/bpm) credentials.
- When you the check the server log in <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/AppServer/profiles/AppServer01/logs/server1/SystemOut.log, you may find "No LoginModules configured for BonitaAuth" error message
- The reason is WebSphere cannot load the external/security/jaas-standard.cfg file
- You need to add this line to WebSphere JVM arguments: ""<WAS install folder>/external/security/jaas-standard.cfg"
- restart websphere
- Note: WebSphere also cannot interpret /* comments in config files. Please check if there are no /* comments in yout jaas-standard.cfg file. If yes, simply remove them. Otherwise you will get another error in the websphere SystemOut.log
- restart the server.
- now the bonita user experience should work fine on localhost:9080
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